Acupressure Facial Therapy works on specific points on your face, as well as massaging the muscles to release tension and stress leaving you feeling lighter, relaxed and invigorated. 

By applying pressure it can help to unblock congested energy, strengthen weak energy or calm overactive energy.

As our face structure is designed specifically to allow us to express how we feel it can result in a lot of emotion being held here, especially in the jaw.

What does the treatment Include?

  • Neck and scalp massage working the tissues to release tension
  • Facial cleansing to clean and prepare the face ready for the facial massage (we use VerdeKin products)
  • Applying pressure to the acupressure points located on the chest, neck, head and face
  • Facial massage working the body’s organs located on the face using the Chinese face chart to support the whole body
  • Light pressure work focusing on draining the lymphatic system

What are the Benefits? 

  • Deeply calms the central nervous system and therefore very beneficial for chronic conditions
  • Releases tension in the face by working through the different layers of tissue (these are the most used muscles in our body)
  • Releases fascia (tissue surrounding the skin & organs) and therefore stimulates the production of collagen (reduce those lines!)
  • Increases the blood supply to the face and aids lymphatic drainage supporting the removal of toxins
  • Stimulates acupressure points to free the energy so the body can begin to re-balance
  • Is a deeply relaxing treatment for your whole body, not just the face!

What Can Facial Acupressure Help with?

  • Migraines, headaches, dizziness
  • Sinuses issues
  • Sleep
  • Balancing the mind – especially if you overthink, worry, feel frustrated
  • Ear issues
  • Neck and back pain/tension
  • Emotional regulation
  • Stress, anxiety

Appointments are available for 30, 45 and 60 minutes

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